Faculty & Staff
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The faculty, staff and visiting scholars of the Philosophy Program are dedicated to helping all students achieve their higher education goals. They serve as teachers, mentors, and resources for student success.
Tabitha Session
Office Administrator
Faner 3366
1000 Faner Dr.
Carbondale, IL 62901
Current Faculty
Emeritus Faculty
Thomas Alexander
Professor, Emeritus
Ph.D., Emory University
Research Interests and Specialties: American philosophy (esp., Dewey, Santayana, Emerson), aesthetics, metaphysics, classical philosophy (esp. Presocratics and Plato), Native American Wisdom Traditions.
Sara Beardsworth
Associate Professor, Emeritus
Euginie Gatens-Robinson
Professor, Emeritus
Ph.D., Southern Illinois University
Garth Gillan
Professor, Emeritus
Ph.D., Dusquesne University
Robert Hahn A.
Professor, Ph.D., Yale University, 1976; 1982.
Larry Hickman
Professor, Emeritus
Ph.D., University of Texas, Austin
Director of the Center for Dewey Studies 1993-2015
Philosophy of technology, classical American Philosophy, philosophy of education.
Monographs include Modern Theories of Higher Level Predicates (1980); John Dewey's Pragmatic Technology (1990); Philosophical Tools for Technological Culture (2001); Pragmatism as Post-Postermodernism (2007); Edited volumes include Technology and Human Affairs (1981); Reading Dewey (1998); The Essential Dewey (with Thomas Alexander) (1998); The Correspondence of John Dewey (1999, 2001, 2005). Articles on technology, environmental philosophy, critical theory, pragmatism, education, film studies, philosophy of religion.
Matthew Kelly
Professor, Emeritus
Ph.D., University of Notre Dame
Pat Manfredi
Associate Professor, Emeritus
Ph.D., Notre Dame University
Metaphysics, philosophy of mind and psychology, cognitive science, action theory.
Author of articles on analytic philosophy, philosophy of mind and psychology.
Former Director, University Core Curriculum
George Schedler
Chair and Professor, Emeritus
Ph.D., University of California at San Diego
Anthony Steinbock
Professor, Emeritus
Ph.D., SUNY, Stony Brook
Stephen Tyman
Associate Professor, Emeritus
Ph.D., University of Toronto
Eighteenth and Nineteenth century European philosophy, Hegel, Husserl, Heidegger, phenomenology and existentialism (Kierkegaard, Nietzsche).
Author of "Descrying the Ideal: The Philosophy of John William Miller", and articles on Heidegger and Nietzsche.
Current Visiting Scholar
Zhang Nan
Visiting Research Scholar
May 11, 2022-May 11, 2023
Zhang Nan is a Ph.D candidate at Beijing Normal University, China, the author of nearly 20 published papers and conference papers, working on her doctoral dissertation The Absent Leading Role: Dewey in Chinese Educational Debate (1921-1945), and the Chinese translation of the masterpiece The Dewey Experiment in China: Educational Reform and Political Power in the Early Republic (Barry Keenan, 1977).
Contact information: zhang_nan@mail.bnu.edu.cn (zhang_nan@mail.bnu.edu.cn)
Former Visiting Scholars
Julian Tobias Klar
Visiting Research Scholar
Federal Republic of Germany
February 21–July 30, 2022
Julian is a Ph.D. candidate at Ruprecht-Karls-University at Heidelberg in Germany, doing his Ph.D. thesis on a thorough comparison of the political theories of Hannah Arendt and John Dewey. He currently works at SIU's Special Collections Research Center with the John Dewey Papers.
View presentations from the Fourth Annual Spring Creativity Conference.
SangHoon Ma
Visiting Scholar
Republic of Korea
November 15, 2019–October 15, 2020
SangHoon Ma is a Ph.D. Student in Politics at Yonsei University in South Korea, specializing in Pragmatism and American political thought, especially John Dewey.
Radim Kocandrle
Fulbright Research Scholar
Czech Republic
October 1, 2019–February 28, 2020
Liu Xing
Visiting Scholar
January 13–20, 2020
Liu Xing is a lecturer at Beijing Normal University, China, and the translator of John Dewey's Letters from China and Japan.
Giuseppe Spadafora
Visiting Scholar
October 2019
Dr. Spadafora is a Professor of Didactics at the University of Calabria, Italy, and Director of its Center for Dewey Studies.
Marcin Rychter
Visiting Scholar
August 16–October 4, 2019
Dr. Marcin Rychter is Assistant Professor in Philosophy of Culture, in the Institute of Philosophy, University of Warsaw, Poland (since 2016) and Deputy Editor-In-Chief of Eidos: A Journal of Philosophy of Culture (since 2017).
Roberta Dreon
Visiting Professor
March 22–April 5, 2019
Dr. Dreon is Professor of Philosophy, Ca'Foscari University, Venice, Italy, specializing in aesthetics. She is the author of 4 books, 2 on John Dewey and 1 on Martin Heidegger, and over 60 published articles, book chapters, and reviews.
Hernan Gabriel Inverso
Fulbright Visiting Scholar
Spring 2019
Diana Prokofyeva
Visiting Scholar
January 22–August 15, 2019
Monireh Taliehbakhsh
Visiting Scholar
August 20, 2018–February 19, 2019
Tao Xu
Visiting Scholar
December 2017–November 2018
Hora Zabarjadi Sar
Visiting Scholar
August 15–December 25, 2018
Minako Saigo
Visiting Scholar
July 10–12, 2018
Ms. Saigo is a Ph.D. student at Kyoto University, Japan, under Professor Naoko Saito, researching John Dewey's social engagement.
Andrea Fiore
Visiting Scholar
July 25–August 12, 2017
Dr. Fiore teaches at Salesian University, of the Vatican, in Rome. His research project at SIU was Dewey's reading of John Stuart Mill.
Susan ("Susi") Gottlöber
Visiting Professor
March–May 2017, and invited speaker, November 2017
- Dr. Gottlöber is Lecturer at the National University of Ireland, Maynooth.
- As Visiting Professsor she taught a graduate seminar on "The Philosophy of Tolerance."
- She was invited by graduate students to return as the keynote speaker for their annual conference, "Building Bridges," on "Tolerance." The title of her talk was " The Sting of the Strange(r): Modern Concepts of Hospitality and Toleration—Between Xenia and Xenophobia."
Irina Tiurikova
Fulbright Scholar
August 13, 2016–January 9, 2017
Originally from Russia (north of St. Petersburg), Dr. Tiurikova teaches in Philosophy at The Arctic University of Norway, in Tromsø. Her project while at SIU was the study of cross-cultural education, in support of her work with indigenous peoples of the Arctic region of Scandinavia and Russia.
Przemysław Bursztyka
Visiting Professor
February–May 2015, and August–October 2016
Dr. Bursztyka is Chair of Philosophy of Culture, Institute of Philosophy, University of Warsaw. He is also the Editor of Eidos, a journal of the philosophy of culture, published by the University of Warsaw, in collaboration with the SIU's Philosophy, as part of an ongoing collaboration between the University of Warsaw and SIU.
While at SIU he taught a graduate seminar on "Phenomenology of the Imaginative Experience," and in 2016, a seminar on "Hermeneutics of the Self."
Sun Yanhao
Visiting Scholar
July–October 2016
Ms. Sun Yanhao is a graduate student at East China Normal University, Shanghai, studying philosophy of economics, especially Marxism.
Liu Mu
Visiting Scholar
January 15–August 2, 2015
Dr. Liu Mu is Associate Professor of Economics at the School of Economics and Management, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, China. His research project was philosophy of economics, drawing especially from the philosophy of Max Scheler.